
da lame x update blog ni...
sian dreamy...huhu...
k, drop the subject...

so just want to update bout my life right now...
after 2 org exec kt department aku resign,
tggl la aku sensorg kt cni...
dh la dak praktikal, freshie lak tu...
aku pm x tau pape..huhu..
aku ase cm dprmnt aku tgh tsunami...
hehe...eh, truk sgt la kalo tsunami tue..

ok, nevermind...
right now, bnyk sgt keje...
office hour aku from 8 to 5.30pm...
but i think, wktu aku keje start kul 8 smpi 6.30 kot...
coz, almost everyday, i'm leaving my office at 6.30pm...
how come??? penat derrr....
seyes... kdg2, aku smpi umah,
after maghrib, take bath, then, lepak dpn tv...
skali, da pukul 3 pg da...tdo sendorg kt depan tv...
kwn aku (housemate merangkap classmate aku dulu)
name dye k.pah (dye x tau aku ngumpat sal dye kt cni..hehe),
x dek nye nk kejut kn aku...
selambe badak jek dye tdo lam bilik...atuyai...

skg ni, aku da hmpr 4 bln kt cni...
da 2 bln lg nk abis...
moga2 la aku dpt abis dgn cemerlang...
aku tkt gk sbnrnye..
nk present...da la faculty supervisor aku lect yg plg ditakuti...
adehhh....cmne nih??? hurm....
asal2, aku kne wt project kt cni, alih2, Bos aku suh KIV dlu...
hurm...entah le...
trima jela...dye bos kn...
dye yg bnyr gaji aku...hehe...

by the way,
last weekend, aku balik kg...
kt mane lg, klntn ler...hehe..
my atuk sakit...
admitted to hospital...
almost 3 weeks, but Alhamdulillah..
mse aku nk terbang balik naek bumblebee abg aku,
my mom said that my atuk da buleh kuar,
so, aku ngn bala tentera yg ade (my first abg, my sist in-law n budak chumel
a.k.a ank sdare aku) trus balik umah...da x yh pg hospital da...
--save minyak-- athethethe...kejam derrr...
bile aku tgk atuk aku, sedey sgt2...
da cengkung gile...pape pm,
aku arap, my atuk will sehat n pnjg umo....


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